Basic operators

Action Operator Example
Subtract - 5 - 4 = 1
Add + 5 + 4 = 9
Multiply * 5 * 4 = 20
Divide / 5 / 4 = 1.25
Raise to the power ^ 5 ^ 4 = 625
Modulus %% 10 %% 4 = 2
Absolute remainder %/% 9 %/% 4 = 2
Basic sequence : sum(1:3) = 6

Comparison operators

Action Operator Example
Less than < 5 < 5 = FALSE
Less than or equal to <= 5 <= 5 = TRUE
Greater than > 5 > 5 = FALSE
Greater than or equal to >= 5 >= 5 = TRUE
Exactly equal == (0.5 - 0.3) == (0.3 - 0.1) is FALSE, 2 == 2 is TRUE
Not equal != (0.5 - 0.3) != (0.3 - 0.1) is TRUE, 2 != 2 is FALSE
Equal all.equal() all.equal(0.5 - 0.3,0.3 - 0.1) is TRUE


States Representation
True TRUE 1
False FALSE 0
Empty NULL
Unknown NA
Not a number e.g. 0/0 NaN
Infinite e.g. 1/0 Inf

Logical operators

Action Operator Example
Not ! !TRUE is FALSE
Xor xor() xor(TRUE,FALSE) is TRUE
Bitwise And && c(TRUE,TRUE) && c(FALSE,TRUE) is FALSE
Bitwise Or
In %in% "Red" %in% c("Blue","Red") is TRUE
Not in !( x %in% y) or Hmisc::%nin% "Red" %nin% c("Blue","Red") = FALSE

Control constructs

Type Implementation Example
If if(condition) {dosomething} if(TRUE) { 2 } is 2
If else if(condition) {do something} else {do something different} or ifelse(condition, do something, do something else) if(FALSE) { 2 } else { 3 } is 3 ifelse(FALSE, 2, 3) is 3
For loop for(i in seq) {dosomething} or foreach::foreach(i=1:3) %do% {something} foreach(i=1:3) %do% {TRUE} is TRUE, TRUE, TRUE
While loop while(condition) {do something } a<-0 ; while(a<3){a<-a+1} ; a is 3
Switch switch(value, …) switch(2, "a", "b") is b
Case memisc::cases(…) cases("pi<3"=pi<3, "pi=3"=pi==3,"pi>3"=pi>3) is pi>3

NB: If you find yourself using a loop, there's probably a better, faster solution

Assignment operators

Action Operator Example
Create / update a variable <- a <- 10

NB: There are others you could use, but this is the best practice


Action Operator Example
Use public function from package :: memisc::cases()
Use private function from package ::: optiRum:::pounds_format()
Get a component e.g a data.frame column $ iris$Sepal.Length
Extract a property from a class @ Won't be used in this course
Refer to positions in a data.frame or vector [ ] iris[5:10,1]
Refer to item in a list [[ ]] list(iris=iris,mtcars=mtcars)[["iris"]]


Action Operator Example
Comment # # This is my comment
Help ? ?data.table
Identifier irisDT[ , `:=`(CreatedDate = Sys.Date())]