Server creation

Azure portal, using gallery creation for VM quickcreate quickcreate

Configuring the VM

  1. Get PuTTY
  2. Connect to your VM via the public IP quickcreate
  3. Use the login details in the creation wizard. The password won't look like you're typing
  4. Run sudo apt-get update to get the package repository metadata
  5. Run sudo apt-get install r-base to get R. Will have lots of extra associated packages - select Y when prompted
  6. Follow the installation instructions, using the latest file
  7. Change rstudio to run on port 80 by amending port in conf file sudo nano /etc/rstudio/rserver.conf
  8. Restart rstudio to apply port change sudo rstudio-server restart
  9. Add port 80 to Azure endpoints for the VM port specify