Steph Locke (@SteffLocke)
The language for working with all things Microsoft these days.
Get-ChildItem |
Where Name -notlike "*.tar.gz" |
Export-Csv "filelist.csv"
Import-Csv "filelist.csv"
The continued language of Linux
find . -maxdepth 1 ! -name '*.tar.gz' |
sed 's/[ \t]/,/g' > filelist.csv
cat filelist.csv
Interactions are available from base
?system # not recommended
?system2 # works better with Windows too
?shell # the lower level call
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash
docker-machine is needed to run containers, work on remote machines hosting docker containers, and to work with swarm clusters
Plugins allow you to extend docker capabilities. Most plugins are network and file system related.